Fold Form Sterling Brooch with Pearl and 14K Gold Sash

Suzanne Oliver, maker, jeweler, designer 512-547-0305

At Scenic Way Designs, Suzanne Oliver forges metal; creates jewelry, paintings, and photographs; designs scenic and aesthetic environments.

The space we live in and move through should feed our souls. Our homes, our gardens, and our adornments may reflect who we are but may also be a source for what nurtures life and spirit.

“Art should be something like a good armchair in which to rest from physical fatigue.” -Henri Matisse

Scenic Way Designs - A hand wrought aesthetic that is complex yet calm, multi-layered and rich, full of color, texture, history, and anticipation, a reflection of nature and life.

They say home is where the heart is…

Home is a refuge within a collection, a comfort for solitude, a pleasure for guests. Heart is love and appreciation, weakness and strength, passion and delight.

Scenic Way Designs delight the heart, appreciate the spirit, give passion to the weakness we have for who and what we love.

With art, you can wear your beauty, express your love, and live amidst that which feeds your soul.